Civil Defence Preparedness

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. You can take steps to be prepared.

Tē mōhiotia āhea ki hea rānei te ohotata. Kia takatū. Kia mataara.

It has been a tumultuous few weeks with two large flood events hitting Tamaki Makaurau in quick succession. Emergencies can happen anytime, and all we can do is remain vigilant and be prepared for the possibility of another one in the near future. Civil defence preparedness is an important part of ensuring the safety of our community. It involves planning, training, and equipping ourselves to respond to a variety of disasters.

When preparing for a disaster, it is important to consider the type of disaster that is likely to occur. Different disasters require different preparations, so it is important to understand the risks, and plan accordingly. For example, if a community is located in an area prone to flooding, as some of Tamaki Makaurau has recently discovered, it is important to plan for evacuation routes, shelter locations and other emergency measures. In addition to planning for the type of disaster, it is also important to ensure that we are equipped with the necessary supplies and equipment. This includes items such as food, water, medical supplies and communication devices. It is also important for us to train in emergency response and evacuation procedures. 

So, what can we do to prepare ourselves and our properties for an emergency that involves flooding so we are more prepared the next time it happens? Keeping your property well maintained is one step you can take and is an essential part of being a responsible homeowner. Regular upkeep of your home and garden can help to ensure that your property remains in good condition and that you can enjoy it for years to come. Ongoing maintenance can include a variety of tasks, such as checking drains, cleaning gutters and leaf clean-up. 

It is essential to check your drains regularly to make sure they are free of debris and that they are draining properly. If you notice any clogs or blockages, you should address them immediately to avoid any further damage. Additionally, it is a good idea to clean your gutters regularly to prevent any buildup of debris that could cause damage to your roof or other parts of your home in a downpour. Leaf clean-up is an important part of ongoing maintenance as leaves can clog drains and gutters. By regularly removing leaves from hard surfaces, you can help to keep your property looking neat and tidy..

Many of us with children in the family have a trampoline in the backyard. Always make sure your trampoline is tied down, along with any other heavy outdoor objects, as strong winds can lift large, heavy objects and send them crashing into homes. Just remove anything that could become a damaging missile. Making a list of items to bring inside or tie down when strong winds are forecast. This will help you remember anything that strong winds can break or pick up. Regularly inspect and trim trees and shrubbery. Strong winds frequently break weak tree limbs and throw them at great speed. They can cause damage and injury. Review your insurance regularly. Having insurance cover for your home and contents is important to help you get back on your feet if you suffer damage in a disaster.

Preparing for a disaster can be a daunting task, but civil defence preparedness is an important part of ensuring the safety of your property and our community. By taking the time to plan and equip ourselves, the impact of a disaster can be reduced and the community's safety can be increased.


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